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Laurentian Great Hall Connector

Registered Name: Rainbow Routes Association

Business No: 873208136RR0001

Laurentian Great Hall Connector

We need your support to bring this well-used trail to acceptable standards!   Here's why:

● An installed trail counter recorded 40 daily trips on average from April to August, which doubled to 80 in the school months of September/October. The past 6 months recorded nearly 8,000 trail trips in total! This trail provides key infrastructure for campus and community connectivity, recreation and access to nature.

● We will enhance the trail to barrier free standards, make it safer, more visible and appealing for users. We will remove protruding rocks, raise the trail grade, address stormwater and erosion issues, and create an even hardpack surface.

● Financial support is needed: Our $3,500 fundraising target represents 20% of the total project value.  Volunteers from the Outdoor Adventure Leadership program will work with Rainbow Routes and local contractors to make the most of every dollar fundraised and spent. 

● We have coordinated agency approvals to undertake the upgraded