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Literacy for Empowerment


Business No: 119109460RR0001

Literacy for Empowerment


In Haiti, when you can’t write your name, you are forced to sign your name with an “X.” By learning how to read and write adults in the program gain incredible pride and self-confidence and they are no longer just an “X” but can now sign their own name with dignity!

Approximately 200 adults participate each year in the Adult Alpha literacy classes. At the end of the 4-year program students have achieved literacy, numeracy, and leadership skills to enable them to fully participate as leaders in society.

“If you can’t read and write you feel like you are not worth it, that you only have 2 blind eyes. Now thanks to the program my eyes are wide open, I can see the light and I can't be fooled anymore. I can help my children in school and show the community how important this is for everyone. Everyone should join the alpha program because this is good for me and for the whole community.” - Francillia, Alpha Partipant in village of Grand Fond, rural Haiti

A donation of $50 provides supplies for one adult for one semester. $100 covers tuition and supplies for a full year of learning.

Since the first literacy class in 1992, our partners in Haiti have helped over 1,910 adults learn to read and write. There are now classes in 5 locations in rural St. Marc and one in urban Cap Haitian. Most of the students are women, but there are typically a few men in each class as well. Our partners on the ground in Haiti are working hard to link literacy classes with basic business training and a microcredit program that will allow graduates to apply for small business loans. Alpha literacy classes enable adults to develop self-confidence, better provide and care for their families, and support the economic growth of their communities.