1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Business No: 119112449RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
This free program encourages families to spend quality time together and promote pre-literacy and learning by reading 1000 books before your child starts Kindergarten. Any child ages birth to five years entering kindergarten can participate in this self-paced early literacy program.
Come to any of our branches to register and pick up your reading log. Bring your reading log back at predetermined milestones to get small prizes. And check out the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten iPhone App at http://1000booksbeforekindergarten.org/ It’s free!
We want to help every child become a reader by encouraging you to read 1000 books to your child before he/she enters kindergarten.
Program Overview
The concept is simple, the rewards are priceless! Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, and/or toddler. Any book read (even repeats) by anybody counts.
Learning to read starts way before Kindergarten. Print and sound awareness, print recognition and vocabulary all come from listening to their parents talk and read to them.
Reading together is fun and will create life-long memories for both of you. What a great way to bond with your precious child curled up with you while you read together!
Although 1000 books sounds like a huge number, consider this:
If you read just one book a day, you will have read 365 books in a year and you could finish in less than three years.
Read 10 books per week? Less than two years.
Three books a day? Less than a year!