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Rotary Club of South Eastman -Otto Rene Castillo School


Business No: 892901760RR0001

Rotary Club of South Eastman -Otto Rene Castillo School

Host Club: Rotary Club of Gualan         International Club: Rotary Club of South Eastman, Steinbach, MB

Rotary Club of Gualan is responsible for the project management and Engineers Without Borders, Guatemala will provide consulting services/ oversight to the project.

Description of Project:

The school is located in the community of Barrio La Cienega, in the Municipality of Gualan in the Department of Zacapa, Guatemala. The school project is to expand the school's capacity to meet the educational needs of the community by providing two additional classrooms and equipping the two classrooms with furniture and white boards.

Impact: The school faces a high demand for classrooms due to student overcrowding, currently there are 201 students, in 10 classes distributed from kindergarten through grade 6, with 7 classrooms and 10 teachers in total. Building additional classrooms will improve learning conditions and allow for a more equitable distribution of students. The beneficiaries are the students, the education staff and the community at large.