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Relief Support to Ukraine


Business No: 119125201RR0001

Relief Support to Ukraine

The need to support the people of Ukraine has not diminished. The Rotary Club of Picton has supported the provision of medical supplies and emergency shelters to relieve the suffering from the impacts of war. We have also donated to a Rotary Global Grant project to rebuild an elementary school in Buzova to create a foundation for families to return to their homes.

Once again we are looking for help to send more medical supplies to the people of Ukraine in partnership with Health Partners International Canada (HPIC). The funds we provide result in a 10 fold value in pharmaceuticals and medical supplies that go to those in need, i.e. $10,000 provides $100,000in actual items. This is possible through HPIC’s effort to get most of the supplies donated leaving transportation and logistics to be funded.

The Bozova School needs some additional funding to enable the school to opened to returning students, which had been planned for this September. Information about this project and a video on the progress si far is available on our website.

To learn more about the Rotary Club of Picton’s efforts to support medical, shelter and children relief programmes in Ukraine, go to the Rotary Club of Picton Website.  
