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Areas of Greatest Need


Business No: 119130540RR0001

Areas of Greatest Need

Your donation to our Acute Care Unit renovations will make everyone more comfortable.

Exceptional care for every patient. That’s the commitment of our ACU dedicated doctors, nurses, and support staff. After five decades of devoted service, it’s now time to upgrade the space to reflect the quality of care the ACU Team provides every day.

With your help we can transform the Acute Care Unit for the better!

Efficiency is a top priority. The renovated layout will make the most of the available space. This means more room for crucial healthcare equipment and more ergonomic spaces for patient care and staff workflow. Our staff will be able to move around the bedside more easily and have all the necessary equipment right at their fingertips.

Safety is at the core of our upgrades. We’ll add more hand hygiene sinks, to ensure that infection control remains a top priority.

Privacy is of utmost importance. Reconfigured patient rooms will provide more privacy and comfort for both patients and visitors.

Taking care of our caregivers. Our staff will have better designed and efficient work areas, where they can focus on what matters most – providing exceptional care.

Your gift can directly impact the comfort of patients, visitors and staff by supporting much needed renovations at our hospital. Together, we’ll transform the ACU into a space that better serves the needs of everyone for years to come.

With your help we will reach our goal of $15 Million.