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Tribal Empowerment Program - Khoba, Gujarat, India.


Business No: 885411249RR0001

Tribal Empowerment Program - Khoba, Gujarat, India.

Sewa Canada International is a registered Canadian charitable organization, serving the world for the last 3 decades – in Health, Education, Social Development & Disaster Relief. All donations are Tax deductible in Canada.

An opportunity to empower tribal (Adivasi) communities, including children in and around the remote village of Khoba, in the province of Gujarat, India, with the gift of education, nutrition, health care leading to self development and self-reliance. This campaign will run through the year, every year to support the work by our local partners on the ground Gujarat Vidyapith & Lokamangalam Charitable Trust

Literacy rate in Khoba is amongst the lowest in the province of Gujarat, while lack of nutrition leads to various health issues including sickle cell anemia etc.  Set against the lush green jungles and  scenic backdrop of the Sahyadri mountains,  is the remote tiny village of Khoba, in Valsad district in the province of Gujarat, India.  The village and surrounding areas are is home to few thousand people from the ancient Adivasi (Tribal) communities called Kukna, Varli  & Kolcha. The nearest town Dharampur is 52 kilometers away.

Over a decade of work, Gujarat Vidyapith  Lokamangalam CharitableTrust,  both registered charitable organizations in the area, inspired by the life and principles of Mahatma Gandhi Ji has over the years made significant progress in:

·       Engaging the children of the village in education.·       Reduction of school drop out rates in the village.·       Providing nutritious meals to students at school.·       Encouraging villagers into agriculture and distributing its products.·       Conservation of water & protecting the fragile environment of Khoba.·       Providing health camps and raising health awareness among villagers.·       De-addiction of villagers from alcohol.·       Helping build infrastructure in Khoba.·       Preserving their ancient culture & traditions of these communities.

For more details, specifics on the above mentioned work, CLICK HERE

Sewa Canada International seeks to raise CAD$ 25,000 per annum, to support empowerment of our under privileged tribal communities in Khoba, Gujarat, via the two critical programs involving education, nutrition and health care for children and the needy. The money raised will go towards –

Children’s Education/Hostel/Nutrition:   The hostel houses 60+ young children under the age of 10.  These children come to the hostel as a result of their parents working in other villages/cities and unable to care for their young.  The children are taken care of in every way – from nutrition to education to basic healthcare.  Due to the Pandemic, funds have been sparse to come by from local donors/businesses and hence this program needs immediate funding, to avoid any impacts to these children. The annual cost of running this program is approximately CAD$ 19,000 CAD annually.

Healthcare for villages in/around Khoba:Since many of the villages are very remote in the district, they do not get access to proper healthcare.  This project delivers basic healthcare to the villages.  However, there is a cost to provide this service.  Operating this program including an ambulance, gas costs, arranging for doctors, nurses etc. requires funding, which has been a challenge., nurses, fuel.  This funding will provide salary for a doctor, a nurse, a driver, fuel and upkeep of the ambulance, while catering to thousands of patients in these remote villages. The cost of this program is approximately CAD$16,000 annually.

All donations are tax-deductible in Canada and all online donation via CanadaHelps will receive tax receipts automatically via email. Donations may also be made via cheque payable to “Sewa Canada International” and mailed to

Address : P.O. Box 76621, 1661 Denison StreetMarkham – ON , L3R 0N5
For more information CONTACT US

100% of your generous donations will be transferred to the work on the ground via our partner organization, to fund the above activities.

All donors will be provided with reports and updates regularly on the progress of the communities. Donors are also encouraged to visit Khoba, in Gujarat, to experience the work first hand. Sewa Canada International will be help facilitate your visit and stay in Khoba.