Shree Krishnayan Gauraksha Project
Business No: 885411249RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

The cause:
- Shelter and feed 18000+ injured, abandoned, stray cows and bulls.
- Feed cows in distress - 3 million Kilograms of fodder every month.
- Government certified and approved.
In India, once a cow grows old and cease giving milk, their owner disowns them because they are of no use to them. Thousands of such innocent cows are left on the street without a home. Many of these are just aged, injured, or abandoned. They are starved and move from one place to another in search of food despite in severe weather. These cows are insulted, canned and even pelted with stones. Some of these even meet with fatal accidents, others groan in pain due to severe injuries waiting for medical attention. The life of these cows become miserable.
Sewa Canada International Aid Inc., with its founding principle of "Vasudaiva Kutumbakam" (the whole world is one family) is partnering with Shree Krishnayan Desi Gauraksha Evam Gaulok Dham Sewa Samiti, a registered charity in India to protect, feed & shelter ailing, starving, destitute and stray living beings, in this case, the majority of which are abandoned by their owners.
These cows are fed, sheltered and looked after by hundreds of volunteers, round the clock, by our partner organization (Shree Krishnayan) in India.
Presently more than 18000 destitute cows are in their care. This is their new home and a second chance of life. Cows are brought to their new home (Gaushala) in a terrible state. Some are disabled or badly injured, fighting for their lives in many cases. All these cows are fed, sheltered, and looked after. Hundreds of volunteers work round the clock to look after them. The cows and bulls are fed with a mixture of fodder that includes wheat, mustard cake, green grass, husk and jaggery. They are given plenty of water and have acres of land to move around. A team of expert doctors look after these cows and administer them quality medicines.
To learn more watch this VIDEO or CLICK HERE for more details.
How can you help:
You can donate any amount of your choice, which will be used for fodder to feed cows at Shree Krishnayan in India. Following are suggested donations for specific areas we are seeking help in
- Fodder - $ 25
Choose to feed different types of fodder to cows.
- Adopt a cow - $ 50
Adopt a cow to give them a happy second life.
- Medicines - $ 25
Old & destitute cows rescued from critical conditions require medical help constantly.
- Construction - $ 100
As the number of cows and bulls in care increase every month, contribution to the construction funds helps build new cow-shades, husk store etc.
- Gaudan - $350
Gaudan means donation of cow to an Ashram or a Saint who has given up the material world. This donated cow's milk becomes the source of milk for the Ashram and its residents. When this cow grows old and stops giving milk, it will return to the care of Shree Krishnayan for the rest of its life.
Donations are tax deductible in Canada.
Tax receipts are issued automatically for online donations. Donations may also be made via cheque payable to “Sewa Canada International” and mailed to the address below. Please mention “Shree Krishnayan”
Address: P.O. Box 76621, 1661 Denison Street
Markham – ON, L3R 0N5
For more information, CONTACT US
Sewa Canada International Aid Inc is a registered Canadian charitable organization with over three decades of serving the world, including Disaster Relief projects. To learn more about us, visit