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Gaushala Project - Home for Sick, Malnourished & Abandoned Cattle


Business No: 885411249RR0001

Gaushala Project - Home for Sick, Malnourished & Abandoned Cattle

Sewa Canada International's "Project Gaushala" - provides shelter, care, food and respectful end of life rites of passage to sick, malnourished and abandoned cattle in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India.

The issue:

About 1450 cows (Gau Mata) and bulls (Nandi) malnourished, sick and abandoned were rescued by the Bharatpur Muncipal Corporation. These cows, calf, adults and old cows and Nandi suffered from various diseases and severe malnutrition. They were abandoned by their owners, since they were not productive. Once abandoned and left with no sources of fodder, they feed on plastic, polythene to satisfy their hunger, causing severe malnutrition and diseases. Many die a painful death prematurely. Once rescued they were brought to the shelter run by the Municipal Corporation of Bharatpur. This shelter was in very pathetic & terrible condition due to the apathy of the city administration. The situation was so terrible that on an average 15 cows were dying everyday.

The Solution:

When this situation was brought to the attention of our partner Apna Ghar Ashram, they made a proposal to the Corporation, to hand over the operation of the Shelter (Gaushala) to their care. This proposal was accepted by the Municipal Corporation.e

Apna Ghar Ashram immediately purchased 1 generator, 2 tractors, 2 trolleys, 1 loader & 2 water tankers for improvement & betterment of the services to Gaumatas (cows). Apart from that, additional sheds for 1100 Gaumatas, water storage tank, garage, Saint Awaas, Sewasathi awaas, Guard room & Gau Abhishek Ghat were constructed. At Gau Abhishek Ghat, Gaumatas can take showers to keep them clean. Separate sheds for cows, bulls, malnourished, sick, young and pregnant cows were constructed. A medical section was also constructed. 

Staff (24) providing care to cattle, a Medical Assistant, Tractor Driver, Supervisor, MPW etc. were recruited to maintain adequate and efficient operations at the shelter. While some of the fodder and electricity is provided at no cost by the Municipal Corporation, Apna Ghar provides all the remaining services and costs, including daily grains for the cattle.

Supporting and providing shelter and allowing these cattle to lead a safe and healthy life calls for a lot of financial resources.

Sewa Canada International with it partner on the ground Apna Ghar Ashram  are requesting support from generous donors to support these beings and to help them receive shelter, medical attention, good care, health and a respectful life.

All donations are tax-deductible in Canada and all online donation via CanadaHelps or Facebook will receive tax receipts automatically via email. Donations may also be made via cheque payable to “Sewa Canada International” and mailed to

Address : P.O. Box 76621, 1661 Denison StreetMarkham – ON , L3R 0N5

For more information CONTACT US

100% of your generous donations will be transferred to the work on the ground via our partner organization, to fund the above activities. All donors will be provided with reports and updates regularly on the progress of the recipients.