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Gift giving


Business No: 131507428RR0001

Gift giving

Your donation to S.H.A.R.E. is a gift of hope and opportunity to a family living in poverty in Central or South America. 

Give a gift that GROWS! In a S.H.A.R.E. project, families receive seeds, tools, irrigation and agriculture extension assistance to produce their staple foods and diversify their diets.

Give a gift of health! You can give the gift of clean water and improved cooking stoves to improve the health of rural families.

Give opportunity and hope by a donation to education and skills training for a young person!

Mention “Matched Funding” in a note or message and your donation will be matched one to one by a generous donation from two family foundations for work in three countries, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Every donation is important to SHARE’s work and changes lives.