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Your help for our community’s homeless is needed more than ever


Business No: 876017609RR0001

Your help for our community’s homeless is needed more than ever

"Your help for our community’s homeless is needed more than ever. In these difficult and unprecedented times, the coronavirus is affecting how everybody lives, especially those that have no place to call home. We are already in a housing crisis in our city. Now, with public spaces closed, and many programs in the community have shut down, more people than ever are relying on our services. We are over capacity and we need your help. People who are homeless often have compromised health, which may leave them more vulnerable to COVID-19. They often live and eat in close quarters which means we have to do everything possible to ensure that the risk to our shelter clients and other populations remains as low as possible. Many generous and thoughtful donors, like you, have called or emailed us asking how you can help. Right now a monetary donation would be the most effective way to provide food and services to the homeless people in need. As you can imagine, our costs due to COVID-19 are rising. We have incurred high costs due to COVID-19 and we expect these costs to continue to grow throughout the spring. While we will be receiving extra support from the government, we are concerned it will not be enough to offset these costs. We need to make sure that the homeless people in our community are not forgotten during this crisis. We need you. Our staff is working harder than ever to keep the most vulnerable in our community safe and healthy. We can’t do it alone. Your support today will help us continue to provide the essential services needed for people who need it in our community. Your generous support is appreciated during these difficult times."