Business No: 133639187RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Sound Times uses the opportunities of peoples’ lived experience to provide mental health and addiction supports and services.

Sound Times Core Values
o Survivor led advocacy
o Social justice and social inclusion
o Building and sustaining community
o Innovation and excellence
Sound Times evolved out of social/recreational clubs run in different parts of the city by Community Resource Connections of Toronto. These clubs merged after CRCT conducted a consultation with consumers and survivors and a report recommended that consumers/survivors have their own organization that they manage and run for themselves.
Sound Times Support Services of Metropolitan Toronto was incorporated in August 1992 with the vision of the founding Board to have Sound Times be staffed and governed by consumers of mental health services and psychiatric survivors.
Since those early years, the mandate of Sound Times has expanded due to increases in funding over the years beyond the original social and recreational supports. The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care through the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network currently maintains all Sound Times funding. With this enhanced funding, Sound Times has the ability to offer more enhanced supports to individuals with specialized supports for people involved in the Criminal Justice system, and those seeking help with substance misuse issues.
We are still operated by people who have experiential knowledge of the mental health, addiction and criminal justice systems. Our experiences inform our practice and many members of Sound Times find that getting assistance from fellow consumers and survivors, both members and staff, results in a very different experience of “service.”