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Isolated Seniors Support Program


Business No: 107996217RR0001

Isolated Seniors Support Program

We have an isolated seniors program in place providing weekly phone or chat contact with physically isolated seniors, a population of 320 individuals in the South Granville/Fairview area.

In the last two weeks we have expanded it to encompass the 400+ members of our Society plus 1,200+ program participants. We have the only Spanish speaking seniors support programs in Vancouver and they represent over 250+ of our members/participants - many are linguistically isolated as there is no local news in Spanish re COVID19.

We have 4 staff members working with and coordinating 14 volunteer callers. We are staying in contact with all our seniors based on their personal preferences. We are providing twice weekly personal phone calls, twice weekly informational pieces - delivered verbally, by email, or social media. We continue to offer our Seniors Information and Referral program in a limited form, however we wish to bring the 5 Info and Referral Volunteers into the Isolated Seniors Support Program as our seniors are requesting the program.

We are requesting funds to help allow staff and volunteers to work remotely carrying out our isolated seniors support program for up to three months.