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St. Boniface Street Links - 24/7 Safe Space

Registered Name: St. Boniface Street Links Incorporated

Business No: 820398162RR0001

St. Boniface Street Links - 24/7 Safe Space

Dear Friend,


I hope this letter finds you in good Health and high spirits.  As we approach the giving season, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your support and generosity towards our organization.  Your continued commitment to our cause has made a significant impact on the lives of those we serve, and we are incredibly grateful.

St. Boniface Street Links is dedicated to addressing the underlying causes of homelessness.  While poverty has historically played a significant role, the pervasive issues of drug addiction and concurrent mental health crises are major contributing factors to the alarming increase in homelessness.  Both homelessness and addiction affect individuals across all socioeconomic strata, permeating every neighbourhood in every city Ward. Never has it been more important than it is now to design, develop and deliver programs that are inclusive of all members of our human family.

 Looking back over this past two years, I am overwhelmed by the progress we have achieved together.  Your unwavering support has made it possible for the St. Boniface Street Links Outreach Team to link more than 700 homeless individuals to income supports and housing.  Nearly all of those we’ve housed had been living in encampments, transit shelters and other private and public spaces. 

 In a city facing a significant shortage of low-barrier housing, people often wonder how we manage to house and support so many marginalized individuals.  The answer to that question has two parts.

 Firstly, our organization has developed a highly efficient, barrier free approach to housing. There are no appointments to make and keep and no wait times for services. Through supportive partnerships with a range of housing providers, our dedicated Outreach Team can quickly move individuals from encampments, transit shelters and other spaces into transitional housing and within weeks, into more permanent housing.  The Lasalle Hotel on Nairn plays a vital role in our success, providing up to 16 rooms for transitioning individuals from living on the streets to being transitionally housed.  From these rooms at the Hotel, individuals are promptly connected to income supports and within weeks, to stable, permanent housing.  The Lasalle Hotel has truly been an exceptional partner and I’m pleased to offer them this recognition. 

 Secondly, it’s important to note that St. Boniface Street Links is not primarily funded by government.  While we do receive some grant money from the City and Health Canada Substance Use and Addictions Program, our organization relies on the generous support of donors to carry out our vital work.  Donor Support allows for creative solutions and by combining our own modified version of housing-1st and with the support of our partners and donors, we have been able to significantly reduce the number of people living unsheltered. 

 Our St. Boniface Street Links organization has learned a great deal about the interrelatedness of homelessness, addiction, poor mental health, and the escalating incidence of violence in this City.  It is the addiction crisis in this city that is fueling homelessness and the increase in most crimes including property and violent crimes.  Our approach to ending homelessness is one that works to address root cause of the reasons the individual became homeless in the first place.  Every person we house has a “care plan” that sets out a path to addictions and mental health recovery.  As the numbers of those we serve continues to grow, so must the number of professional staff we employ.  Our success is entirely linked to your donor support.  An investment in St. Boniface Street Links is an investment in ending homelessness and it is an investment in public safety.

 As the holiday season approaches, we kindly request your consideration in making St. Boniface Street Links your chosen charity to support.  By donating to our organization, you are transforming lives and playing an integral role in providing not just temporary relief but long-term solutions to homelessness in this City.

 Your support is needed to to expand our outreach programs, offer specialized support to those we’ve housed and create safe spaces for individuals to rebuild their lives.  As a goal, St. Boniface Street Links hopes to raise $250,000 between now and the end of our fiscal year, March 31, 2024.  These funds are required to enhance our professional services to those we’ve housed and to support our 24/7 Safe Space program that will open in early December 2023.  This 24/7 Safe Space is desperately needed within our coverage area which is all City Wards east of Winnipeg’s Red River.

 Thank you once again for your generosity, compassion, and dedication.  We hope you will choose St. Boniface Street Links as your preferred Charity this giving season.

 Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and heartwarming holiday season.

 Gratefully yours,

 Marion Willis, Founder & Executive Director 

204 294-7637