Natural Playground for St James Co-op Preschool
Business No: 108021098RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Goal
St James Coop Preschool has been in operation for over 65 years providing a quality preschool experience for Dundas children with over forty families participating in our programs each year. Due to a lack of a Ministry approved outdoor space our classes are currently limited to indoor learning. Though the children take a group excursion around the block to explore their community, outdoor learning is limited. Our students need to learn outside!
Thanks to the hard work of the Cooperative Executive and Teachers we have received approval from the City of Hamilton to create a fenced outdoor play yard for the children. The area chosen offers children areas of sunshine and shade, plenty of space to move and play, and a natural setting to explore and discover. The trees in this proposed area are a rich playground for squirrels and birds. Imagine the learning opportunities as the children keep track of these visitors over the course of the year.
We hope you can support their exploration and discoveries in the warmth of the sun, the drizzle of rain, the breath of blowing leaves, and the swirl of snowflakes.
Our Plan
This first phase of our outdoor space focuses on the safety of our students. We are looking to purchase and install a fence, in line with ministry standards, that allows the children to play, explore, and create in a safe space. In addition we are hoping to purchase a small shed where we can securely store outdoor learning equipment and activities.
Our Fundraising Target
To complete phase one of our outdoor learning space for the children in our program, we are hoping to raise $20,000. Our goal is for the fencing and subsequent building materials to be as natural as possible. We want our students to engage with nature in an educational and safe setting. It has been proven over multiple studies that time outdoors enhances a child’s development, health, and well-being. Your contribution to our fundraising target will help bring this benefit directly to the Dundas and surrounding community.
In Gratitude for Donations
Cooperative organizations thrive on the participation from families, the community and a strong cooperative network. Those who participate deserve recognition and will receive an invitation to our ribbon cutting ceremony.
St James Cooperative Nursery School of Dundas Inc. is a registered charity. Tax receipts will be provided in exchange for your generous donation.
Large donations will be recognized as follows:
Gold Sponsor:
For donations of $10,000 and above
Recognition: A Plaque with your name/logo added to the fence or shed of the playground
Silver Sponsor:
For donations between $5000-10,000
Recognition: An invitation to our ribbon cutting ceremony. We will highlight your company and your donation on our website, under our “news” section, and social media. We will also feature your contribution to our learning community at our September General Meeting with all families in our school community.