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COVID-19 Response

Registered Name: Steinbach Community Outreach Inc.

Business No: 768079923RR0001

COVID-19 Response

Our charity provides support to the vulnerable people in our community that face food, housing and financial insecurity. COVID-19 is having an unimaginable impact their lives.

Our charity continues to hand out food and hygiene hampers but the demand for these has increased significantly since the COVID-19 crisis began, and our supplies ran low very quickly.Our advocates are available to meet with people who are at risk of homelessness due to COVID-19. We meet with them to help them apply for EI, EIA, and assist them with budgeting and finding affordable housing solutions.

The people we support do not have the funds to stock up and hoard supplies to enable them to isolate themselves, so when they do have some funds to go to the store it's extremely disheartening to see the shelves cleared out of the staples they need just to survive the next few days. So they turn to us. We provide them with hampers of food and soaps to see them through this difficult time.