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Help Us to Feed Our Community - COVID-19 Increased Need


Business No: 119200020RR0001

Help Us to Feed Our Community - COVID-19 Increased Need

We are staying open to provide food for people who struggle with poverty in our community. With an increase in closures we are seeing an increase in need and a reduction in food donations.

We are seeing an increase in need for food for these reasons:

1) People who struggle with food insecurity do not have a built up stock of food at home.

2) When they do receive financial support the shelves are often empty.

3) Some of our people struggle with severe anxiety, the uncertainty of COVID-19 increases the anxiety about food and finances, being assured we will have food for them helps ease that anxiety.

4) More people who have come for food bank have already reported being let go from jobs through plant closures, small business closures, restaurant closures and the shut-down of our tourism industry.

5) School breakfast and snack programs that helped feed kids are not available.

6) Our homeless population is coming more often, they cannot take respite in places like coffee shops and fast food restaurants.

7) Community meal programs and smaller food banks are closing.

In addition, our Spring Food Drive has been canceled along with community food drives and fundraising events. People who are following self-isolation protocols are also not bringing food donations and many people are afraid to give (food or funds) with all of the uncertainty related to COVID-19.

We are working hard to ensure everyone's safety as we provide fresh, frozen, non-perishables and hygiene products to people in need. Currently we are enforcing increased sanitation, social distancing, and drive through food pick up as needed.

We hope that you will help us with the extra expenses associated with COVID-19 such as: increased sanitation materials. hamper boxes and bags, and large food purchases.

Together we can help people stay nourished and healthy during this difficult time while reducing their fears and anxieties about where their next meal will come from.

Thank you for your donation!