Adult and Teen Challenge of Central Canada
Business No: 140784406RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
ADULT & TEEN CHALLENGE OF CENTRAL CANADA Overcoming addiction. Every day.
HISTORY & MISSION Adult & Teen Challenge is a Christian discipleship program aimed at helping people who are struggling with addiction. It was founded in 1958 by the late Rev. David Wilkerson (author of The Cross & The Switchblade). There are now 1400 programs operating 118 countries, including those in Central Canada: Brandon, Winnipeg, Flin Flon & Thunder Bay.
Our vision is to put Hope Within Reach for our communities; to see all people freed from life-controlling issues through the power of Jesus Christ!
RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM Whether you are struggling with a life-controlling addiction, or know someone who is, you don’t have to face it alone. Our 12-month residential programs for men and women 18+ can help you find freedom from your addictions. Individual & group mentoring, spiritual disciplines, Global Teen Challenge curriculum, work therapy, community service and recreational activities make our program well-rounded and unique. Our model for recovery is based on biblical principles, accountability and support.
COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUPS Adult & Teen Challenge has recently added non-residential support to help more people find hope. This includes ministry to individuals with a past or current addiction, as well as to family and friends who need guidance in helping a struggling loved one. Using curriculum and a small-group discipleship method developed for ATC by Living Free Ministries, groups led by trained staff and volunteers are currently running in many churches and prisons throughout the region. Groups include:
- Concerned Persons - For those who have a current or past relationship with a person who has a life-controlling problem.
- Stepping into Freedom - For anyone struggling with a life-controlling problem like drugs, sex, gambling, alcoholism or workaholism.
- Free to Grow - A group to help people overcome disappointments and setbacks that hinder emotional and spiritual development.
- Crossroads - Deals with choosing the road to sexual purity, by presenting biblical insights to help a person break free and stay free.
COMMUNITY EVENTS To spread awareness and help raise funds for our programs, we host a variety of popular community events that include annual snowmobile rides, golf tournaments, a demolition derby, motorcycle ride, rubber duck race, paintball tournament, radiothon and more! Participating in a community event is a great way to get involved.
DRUG AWARENESS Our outreach team and choir specialize in sharing stories of hope and addiction prevention in churches, schools, youth groups, prisons and more.
VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM We pick up old vehicles free of charge, and provide a receipt for income tax purposes. Funds raised through out vehicle donation program help cover the operating costs at your local centre. Boats, campers, motorcycles and sleds are also accepted.
MONTHLY PARTNERSHIP We count on regular monthly support from a variety of donors to operate. We encourage a minimum monthly donation of $30. Monthly partners receive a postcard every eight weeks featuring a story from a student currently in recovery, along with a magnetic frame for their fridge and the opportunity to correspond with that individual. It is a great way to be part of someone’s story.
YOUR GIVING COUNTS We strive to manage funds well and to be good stewards. 89% of your donation goes directly to our programming. 63% of our funds are generated from self-sustaining projects, the vehicle donation program and special events. Private donations and church support bridge the gap and help us deliver quality awareness and recovery programs. We do not receive government money for operating costs.