School Nutrition Fund
Business No: 888535465RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Introducing the new School Nutrition Fund, an endowment fund at the Temiskaming Foundation to support nutrition programs in the twenty-two (22) schools in the Timiskaming District.
Our Vision is to create a more equitable learning environment for all students by ensuring students' basic nutritional needs are met, reducing stigma related to socio-economic status and good insecurities, and to provide these services in a way that maintains students' dignity.
Our Mission is to provide a reliable, yearly grant to school nutrition programs in our area. We would also like to raise awareness about food insecurity in our community, as well as to build lasting community partnerships to better meet the needs of our students.