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Humidity System and Truss Repairs


Business No: 119211274RR0001

Humidity System and Truss Repairs

The building that houses the majority of the museum’s collection was built in 1941 as part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Program. We think of our building as an important piece of Calgary’s aviation history and are honoured to be located in a historically significant building. 

Maintaining the health of this structure is our current main fundraising goal and project for fall 2020. Our building has been experiencing a seasonal difference in humidity which affects the original wooden truss system that Second World War buildings are so well known for. To regulate the humidity in the building we need to install a new humidity system. There are also a few locations in the ceiling where the trusses need repairs because of the humidity changes. We are pleased to have the City of Calgary's support, as they have donated 75% of the necessary funds to complete this maintenance and upgrades. Our remaining fundraising goal in order to be able to complete these integral projects is $50,000 and we need your help to get there.