Archdiocese of Canada - Orthodox Church in America (OCA)
Registered Name: The Canadian Orthodox Church
Business No: 874045065RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
Our mission is further and strengthen the Orthodox faith in Canada. The St. Tikhon Archdiocesan Stewards (STAS) is a method in which the faithful Orthodox Christians of the Archdiocese of Canada can contribute in a straightforward, intentional, and meaningful way, to the witness of Orthodoxy in Canada.
This type of giving is above-and-beyond our regular parish stewardship, and is not intended to replace or diminish current tithing to your home community, but rather is a call to more deeply invest in the mission of the Orthodox Church across Canada. It is a sacrificial investment in the mission in Canada, cultivating the present and future health, stability and growth of the Church.