ABC Head Start Society Fund
Business No: 122437072RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
ABC Head Start Society is a registered charity which has been committed to promoting and supporting strong children, families, and communities in Edmonton for over 30 years. We know that by giving children the best possible early learning and development opportunities in life, we ensure the future well-being and prosperity of our families and communities.
It is our dream to never turn away a child who needs us. Our Nurturing the Future Legacy Endowment Fund helps support our organization and the growing demand for all aspects of our services.
Gifts to endowment funds are carefully invested and a portion of the income is used each year to support the work of ABC Head Start Society, now and forever.
We partnered with the Edmonton Community Foundation to take advantage of the Foundation's endowment expertise, leaving our resources free to do what we do best - focus on children and their families.