Single Mother Bursary
Registered Name: The Gwen Simmonds Foundation
Business No: 724929492RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Single-mother families are more vulnerable to poverty and financial hardship. Unemployment and underemployment make running a household that much more difficult. Even more, daycare puts an additional strain on a family’s finances, especially if a parent needs to pay more than one caregiver or pay for after-school programs.
In fact, historically 30% of single mothers are unemployed. Those that are employed spend over 50% of their income on household expenses and another 30% on child care. This leaves little room for tuition fees.
Financial demands, time constraints, and mental exhaustion make educational pursuits that much more daunting.
The Gwen Simmonds Memorial Bursary helps single mothers advance their careers by assisting with the cost of education.