Support Vulnerable and Homeless Women in Hamilton
Business No: 119236792RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Women, girls, and gender-diverse people experience violence at higher rates than anyone else in our Hamilton community. In 2018, Hamilton recorded the highest reports of hate crimes in the country - almost triple that reported in Toronto.
YWCA Hamilton has a long tradition of advocacy in Hamilton, Ontario and has been a strong voice, advocating for the improved status of women locally. YWCA Hamilton provides meaningful, accessible services to create opportunities, amplify voices, and co-create gender inclusive and equitable communities.
We provide safe shelter and transitional housing for women, gender-diverse folks and their children, a 12-week program to support women and gender-diverse folks fleeing violence, community resources, referrals, and supports for newcomer, immigrant, and refugee women and gender-diverse folks, critical services for youth experiencing isolation and suicide ideation, and safe spaces for Two Spirit LGBTQIA+ newcomers to build connections.
Please consider making a donation to ensure we can respond to the increased needs of women and families accessing our essential services.
These women and families need us now more than ever.