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The Hummingbird Centre for Hope

Registered Name: The Hummingbird Centre for Hope

Business No: 842144883RR0001

For those that are widowed and have children, HCH strives to provide support in all areas of grief as you rebuild your family's lives.

The Hummingbird Centre for Hope


Our Mission

To build a community of hope for those who are widowed with children

About The Hummingbird Centre for Hope

We provide ongoing assistance to widows and widowers to help them gain the skills and confidence needed to rebuild the lives and dreams of their families.

Research states that the way a surviving parent grieves will have a direct impact on the grief experience of their children. "The most powerful predictor of children's subsequent adjustment to parental loss is the adjustment of the surviving parent, presumably because of the support that the surviving parent is able to give" (Worden (1996) Children and grief).

The more effectively and completely we can support parents, the better equipped they will then be to support their children. Enabling widowed parents with tools and strategies helps them to parent their grieving children - ultimately allowing their children to “live their childhood.”


65 Hanson Ave

Kitchener, ON, N2C 2H6

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