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A match made in Heaven


Business No: 107567398RR0001

A match made in Heaven

In 2023, my kidney function was at just 10%. I know it sounds shocking, but to me, it wasn’t.  I live with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). It’s a genetic disease that causes cysts on the kidneys and can lead to high blood pressure and kidney failure. Many of my family members have it and my dad, uncle, and grandmother all had to undergo transplants. In 2023, I followed in their footsteps.  Getting matched with a donor can be one of the most challenging parts of the transplantation process, especially when you have a genetic disease like I do. It rules out a lot of family members. But unbelievably, my girlfriend Brittany turned out to be my perfect match in more ways than one. She got tested as a potential donor and the results came back positive! Our surgery date was scheduled on World Kidney Day last year. We both came through it feeling great. Right away, I had more energy than I had in a while and Brittany recovered like a champ.

I’ve experienced some rejection since then but doctors have been fast about figuring out what kind of rejection it is and how to treat it. That’s a big difference compared to when my dad had organ rejection in the 80s. The science has come a long way and there’s a much better understanding of how kidneys work and what the complications of transplants are.

That’s what is great about The Kidney Foundation of Canada. They fund research that moves things forward so that every generation has better outcomes than the last. I have seen it in my own family and I’m sure things will be even better for the generation that comes after me.

As you can read in our story, Brittany and I are getting married soon. We’re looking forward to our future together. And with The Kidney Foundation marking its 60th anniversary, I’m excited about the advancements we might see in kidney research and treatment and how they will improve things for people with genetic conditions like mine.

I hope you’ll consider helping to fund the next generation of breakthroughs with your support today. Just $50, $75, or $100 can give researchers the resources they need to change kidney care forever and help people like me and my family.

With many thanks,

Colin Grieve Kidney, Transplant Recipient, The Kidney Foundation of Canada