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Mexico Seed Money Start-Up Fund

Registered Name: The David/Jonathan Project

Business No: 833896152RR0001

Mexico Seed Money Start-Up Fund

In 2004 The Lending Journey at the request of some of our Mexican friends asked us to open up a new office in Mexico.  As much as we had wanted to set-up a new office in Mexico the pieces did not come together.  Now in the fall of 2022 our dream to open a Lending Journey office in Mexico is going to happen.  The legal work is in play, our staff is being trained and two communities outside of La Paz, Mexico have been identified to start lending funds.

All of this has taken place as an act of faith and we are now running a campaign for seed money to open our office and give out our first loans.Our goal is to raise $25,000 Canadian.  These funds will allow us to open our office, visits the two sites, offer over 60 loans and provide a 26 week training program for each of our micro entrepreneurs.Thank you in advance for considering our work in Mexico and your future support 

Vince Vetro

Executive Director