North Hastings Community Cupboard
Business No: 891747289RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The North Hastings Community Cupboard is a Food Bank that serves the towns of Bancroft, Maynooth, and Coe Hill Ontario.
North Hastings Community Cupboard is a member of Ontario Association of Food Banks and a Good Food Organization. Since 1992, we have proudly served the residents of Bancroft and surrounding areas.
We do about 5 major food drives per year and distribute 35,000 pounds of food annually with 30 volunteers, two part time staff and partial funding from Ontario Trillium Foundation. Our major funder is United Way- Hastings Prince Edward.
The Cupboard serves as a depot for The Good Food Box Program from the CDC of Quinte and also provides fresh produce through our onsite and community supported gardens.
As a Good Food Organization with Community Food Centres Canada we are committed to empowering our community with the healthiest food choices possible. In addition to our onsite greenhouse and gardens we have launched The Cupboard's Soup Kitchen and serve fresh and healthy meals to all who enter.
Community Cupboard also serves as a depot for Maynooth and Coe Hill food banks to pick up deliveries from Gleaners Food Bank Quinte monthly.