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The OJCS Grandparents' & Special Friends' Circle


Business No: 119071884RR0001

The OJCS Grandparents' & Special Friends' Circle

Bubby & Zaide, Saba & Savta, Grandma & Grandpa, they go by many names.  Whatever you call them, the relationship between a grandchild and their grandparents is a truly special one.  At The Ottawa Jewish Community School we created our Grandparents' & Special Friends' Circle to provide grandparents and special friends with an opportunity to support their grandchildren and loved ones through a gift to The OJCS. 

Focusing on technological needs and improvements throughout the school, The OJCS Grandparents' & Special Friends' Circle will help secure a strong and impactful Jewish education for our students and our school. Whether through a one-time donation or a monthly gift, your generous donation in honour of your grandchild or loved one will make sure the circle of Jewish life remains strong and unbroken - l'dor va'dor.