Presbytery of Eastern Canada
Business No: 891460370RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Canada and the world beginning with planting strong churches in Eastern Canada
The Presbytery of Eastern Canada is a gospel church. We put our trust in Jesus Christ our God, who became man to offer his Father the obedience we owe and pay the penalty we have incurred for our failure to serve God as we should. Only through his life and sacrifice can we come to the Father and find peace with God. We understand that it is our task, given us by Christ, to spread this good news to every person in this world, as he gives us opportunity and resources. Our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America, is one of the most active missionary churches in the world today. We welcome into our fellowship people of every background, every type, who love Jesus.The Presbytery of Eastern Canada strives to be a faithful church. We believe the teachings Christ gives us in his word, the Bible. Because it is from Christ, it is true in all it says. We look to God the Holy Spirit to strengthen us to live as becomes followers of Christ, in growing obedience to his word. We do not consider it sufficient to know and hold formally to the teaching of the Bible, because the church is a living organism; we do our best to live those teachings joyfully, zealously.The Presbytery of Eastern Canada is an historic church. We are proud to be part of the one church of Jesus Christ which has spread across the globe in the time since Christ. We hold to the historic beliefs of Christ’s church, in particular as they are set out in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. That historic faith still answers the deepest human needs today.