Business No: 844430009RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

We are in a time when policy has never mattered more. We have reached a critical juncture where we need Canadians who are deeply invested in Canada’s future to help shape a path forward. Now is the time to do the work and rebuild—to rebuild means to rethink and PPF is uniquely positioned to lead this work as the Think Tank of Tomorrow.
To build a better country, your donation can make a strong investment to support knowledge, innovation, and the work required to deliver policy recommendations that reach every sector and level of Canadian society.
We invite you to join us. Make a donation today to support Good Policy for a Better Canada.
The Public Policy Forum builds bridges among diverse participants in the policy-making process and gives them a platform to examine issues, offer new perspectives and feed fresh ideas into policy discussions.
We believe good policy is critical to making a better Canada—a country that’s cohesive, prosperous and secure. We contribute by:
- Researching the issues that challenge Canadians today
- Convening roundtables to foster frank and honest dialogue
- Celebrating exceptional public policy and public service leaders who have contributed to public policy excellence across Canada and the world
PPF is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization and a registered charity. Our members include a broad base of private, public and non-profit organizations who share insight on policy challenges and developments.