Digital Connection - Hotspots
Registered Name: Lincoln Pelham Union Public Library Board
Business No: 130638018RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

Help us make vital digital connections in our community!
With your help the Lincoln Pelham Public Library will purchase 5 hotspots for our branches.
Not everyone has access to reliable internet which means some people don't have the same access to schooling, employment and connection to friends and family.
These hotspots are available to all library patrons to be loaned out for one week increments (as available). Since the pandemic the demand for this service has increased so much the Lincoln Pelham Library has a Waitlist to loan out these devices. This campaign will provide more access to connection which means equitable access to resources for everyone living in Pelham and Lincoln.
Here is what the use of one of our hotspots did for one of our library patrons:
"As a recent graduate of Niagara College, my virtual studies were often hampered by spotty internet service at home. Thankfully, I was able to borrow a Wifi Hotspot from the Lincoln Pelham PL. This allowed me to attend class, complete my work and graduate with honours. I’m now employed at a great new job! LPPL helped make it possible."
The hotspots also provide very meaningful connection for migrant workers here in Niagara who use them to see family back home without using their hard earned money for data plans.
These hotspots cost $200 to purchase and $50 per month. Your donation of just $25 provides two weeks of vital connection!