ECM Pilgrimage Day


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ECM Pilgrimage Day

We make the road by walking.

Whether we are discerning our life's future, making decisions that will steer an organization or faith community, or working to serve students at the University of Guelph... the best way to engage an uncertain future is one step at a time.

On Sunday October 18, 2020 a team from the Ecumenical Campus Ministry at UofG will make a 15km pilgrimage by hiking from Guelph to the Kissing Bridge in West Montrose. By doing so, we hope to engage the spiritual practice of pilgrimage and trust God to reveal the way as we step out in faith.

We also invite you to similarly step out in faith by making a donation towards ECM's ministry at UofG. By sponsoring our team in this pilgrimage, you will help the Ecumenical Campus Ministry navigate the challenges posed by Covid-19 and maintain a steady presence on the UofG campus into future seasons.

ECM's programming - both virtual and in-person - has been a lifeline to students in this semester of isolation and stress. Whether studying here in Guelph or virtually from their homes and communities of origin, students are encouraged and sustained by ECM's vital work. Your support of ECM's ministry helps make that work possible, and shares the love and grace of Christ with students during this vulnerable time.

Step out in faith, and generously support ECM's work with students at the University of Guelph.