The Shoebox Project for Women
Registered Name: The Shoebox Project for Shelters / Operation boite a chaussures pour refuges
Business No: 833095045RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The Shoebox Project uplifts and empowers women facing homelessness through in-kind support, education and community participation.

The Shoebox Project for Women is an independent, non-religious, Canadian-registered, community-based, non-profit organization. We promote diversity, raise awareness, challenge stigma, and advocate for equity. When we refer to 'women,' we do so inclusively, recognizing and respecting the diverse and intersecting identities of those we assist.
Our mission is to uplift and empower women experiencing homelessness and other financial and health barriers through in-kind support, education, and community participation. We do this by collecting and distributing gift-filled shoeboxes and messages of support from members of the community.
Community members carefully assemble these gift-filled Shoeboxes and add a personalized, hand-written message of support for the unknown recipient. These gifts have delivered hope, boosted self-confidence, and created a sense of belonging for past recipients.