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Schools in Guatemala - Double your impact!

Registered Name: Together Education Works

Business No: 819539966RR0001

Schools in Guatemala - Double your impact!

Together Education Works (TEW), a registered Canadian-charity supported 100% by volunteers, is dedicated to providing teaching materials and supporting nutrition, drinking water, sanitation, hygiene and other infrastructure projects for approximately 2,000 students and their teachers at 5 schools in Guatemala.

Juanita, Josefa and Manuel, students in grades 3, 5 and 6, respectively, write: We want to continue our learning. The pandemic has been very challenging. It continues to make learning very difficult. In the Orange* zones where our schools are located, we are back in the classroom, but only half of the time. So, one week in class and one week at home. Home is not conducive to learning. Without access to the internet or computer at home, online learning is not feasible.

* In Guatemala, the severity of the pandemic is denoted by colour (Green - low, Yellow, Orange, Red – highest).

Sra. Agatha, a teacher at one of the schools, writes: We are in our third year** of the pandemic and learning continues to be a challenge for our students. Many of them will permanently leave school after grade 6 to work to support their families. We want them to stay in school. Can you help us, please?

** In Guatemala, the school year is from January to October. TEW is working with the teachers to prepare for the new school year that starts in January 2023.

Any assistance you can offer is greatly appreciated.

Please note, from now to April 30, 2023, an anonymous donour will match your gift up to a total of $15,000!

For additional information, please refer to

Thank you very much for helping the teachers, students and their families in Guatemala, Central America.