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Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) Training in Nepal


Business No: 130620743RR0001

Skilled Birth Attendant (SBA) Training in Nepal

There is a shortage of Skilled Birth Attendants (SBA) in the rural health posts and centers throughout Nepal. The presence of an SBA can dramatically reduce the chances of maternal and neonatal mortality.

The SBA course is organized by the Nepalese Ministry of Health, Nepal Nursing Council and is a three-month long course (360 hours) for qualified medical personnel so that they can augment the midwives’ work by intervening when difficult deliveries mean mother and baby are at risk.  TRAS has supported the successful midwifery training through the Innovative Development Education Academy (IDEA) in Pokhara, Nepal since 2019. IDEA is a non-profit developmental organization registered with the Ministry of Health, Nepal. Since its establishment, IDEA has been involved in various types of education and training.

IDEA will be selecting 15 students every three months for this advanced SBA training with the requirement that after graduation they will be returning to their rural communities to help improve safe deliveries for mothers and babies.

The results of this program have been successful, and the Ministry of Health is satisfied.

TRAS has agreed to support 15 students for the SBA training for the next three years (2023 – 2026) and currently needs $17,000 for 2024.

Any donations you make to this project will be matched by a generous donor.

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