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10,000 hours to build an engine for Canada

Registered Name: Relèven

Business No: 753340314RR0001

10,000 hours to build an engine for Canada

Your gift to our 2019 objective of $500,000 helps direct 10,000 hours of development towards our aim to transform 100 heritage church buildings into community hubs, through the release of one of Canada’s largest-ever social impact investment funds.

Why: Loneliness and isolation are Canada’s biggest problem. Resilient Local Community is the solution. Canada’s 28,000 church buildings represent some of the best locations and land zoning for this work, but must be transformed to meet today’s complex needs. We will repurpose these ancient churches in order to facilitate Canada’s best charity and community endeavours.

What: We transform church buildings into community hubs.

How: We are building a social impact investment model allowing large funds to invest in this project, collateralized against a portfolio of urban property having municipal backing. Our model is to Connect, Advise, Invest and Run.

Who: A team of 50 leaders from the finance, social innovation, urban design, faith and government sectors. We incorporated in 2018 and registered as a Canadian charity. Our professional services partners are Miller Thomson LLC and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.