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Help Build the Dream

Registered Name: Une Histoire de Chevaux Inc./A Horse Tale Inc.

Business No: 832188387RR0001

Help Build the Dream

Compassion for all:

AHT Rescue provides a safe haven for horses that often have no other option. During their stay at with us, horses get to give back simply by the well-being effects of their presence with our volunteers, visitors and groups that support individuals with special needs under the AHT Experience Program. Every day at AHT, we bear witness to the special bond that horses and humans share, a bond that fosters compassion for all.

Open arms:

Max and Freddy are the two newest retirees from the Montreal calèche industry. These horses have been a big part of serving Montreal’s visitors and tourists. At AHT Rescue, they now continue to give back and contribute to our community by engaging with the public, visitors, volunteers and special needs groups.

We need to grow:

With the arrival of Max and Freddy however, we have now reached a critical maximum capacity. Horses in our care that are available for adoption are often overlooked due to their health and age. For this reason, our limited capacity will continue to inhibit our ability to take on new horses and unfortunately, means that we will need to continue to turn away many surrender requests.  We have no choice, we have to grow.

Call for help:

We are launching this critical campaign “Help Build the Dream” to raise the much needed funds to help us grow.  The funds raised during this campaign will help construct four new paddocks, large outdoor shelters, hay storage and fresh auto waters on the 100-acre property across the road from us. This will help us have the ability to accommodate up to 20 more horses. We are looking to break ground in May, once the weather permits, but we desperately need the financial help to make this happen.

How can you help?

From launch to April 30th 2020, our goal is to raise the much needed funds in order to help us continue providing second chances to horses in need. Your financial support is needed to achieve this goal.

How could your donation help?

$30 - Helps to buy 1 section of 12’ paddock fencing (we will need 660 of these!)

$100 - Helps to make storage space for 1 round hay bale (we will need 220 of these!)

$225 - Helps to fill a shelter with 1 load of sand (we will need 20 to fill all 4!)

$300 - Helps to buy 1 paddock gate (we will need 16 of these!)

$500 - Helps to buy 1 fresh water delivery system (we will need 10 of these!)

$1,000 - Starting with this donation level, you will receive a special invitation to join our opening ceremony

$3,000 - Helps to secure space for 1 new horse and special invitation (we are looking to help up to 20 more horses!)

$5,000 - Helps to build a complete shelter and special invitation (we need at least 4 of these!)

$15,000 - Helps to build a complete paddock and special invitation (we want to build 4 of these to help up to 20 more horses!)

On behalf of all our members, volunteers and our rescued horses, we take this opportunity to sincerely thank you once again for your continued support of our non-profit organization that makes a difference to many horses and humans alike.

As Ulysses is telling everyone, “Help build the dream!”