Business No: 846335180RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Vox Choirs Toronto is a family of non-auditioned community choirs that seeks to provide young adults with the opportunity to participate in the arts in a non-professional capacity. The organization is a registered charity, and consists of two choirs: Univox, a mixed-voice choir, and Florivox, a treble choir. The singers of both choirs come from a diverse range of musical backgrounds. The organization aims to fill the niche for young adults who wish to have a rewarding choral experience with others in their age group.
As an organization, Vox Choirs Toronto was founded on three core pillars: musical excellence, relationship building and social responsibility. We believe that music is a universal language, which spans all classes, cultures and faiths. We use our voices as a vehicle for the improvement of the quality of life for ourselves and those around us, touching and opening the hearts of our listeners and overcoming the obstacles that separate us.