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Business No: 107653321RR0001


Vanier Children’s Mental Wellness PhotoVoice project launched in November 2016 in memory of Michael Cranmer a talented photographer who captured words and vision expressed through the art of Photography.   The objective of PhotoVoice is to help our most vulnerable children in learning how to express themselves through photography. The beauty of PhotoVoice is to give the children we serve a way to tell a story, "a picture is worth a thousand words" with the opportunity to capture moments through photography a child is able to express their own vision of what it means to struggle with mental health needs and bring a voice to children's mental health.

Vanier is able to maintain the PhotoVoice project through donations. With your donation, a child can speak to their inner voice, give meaning to what cannot be easily expressed into words, and be inspired to look at the world around them through photography. Thank you for considering a donation to PhotoVoice.