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Emerge Stronger


Business No: 107935637RR0001

Emerge Stronger

A $10 million campaign funding 200+ pieces of equipment to help our hospitals emerge stronger from the effects of COVID-19.

Emerge Stronger is the Victoria Hospitals Foundation's (VHF) largest philanthropic campaign in nearly a decade, a $10 million commitment to fund over 200 pieces of priority equipment for Royal Jubilee, Victoria General, and Gorge Road hospitals. Learn more about the campaign here:

For the past while, we have all witnessed soaring hospitalizations, ventilators in full use, care teams experiencing extreme burnout, and the Island's two largest referral hospitals continuing to face rapid changes daily. This is not the future we envisioned. And it's not the one we chose. You can help our hospitals welcome a healthier tomorrow.

The importance of a strong and resilient healthcare system has ever been more evident. Together, we can support our care teams and keep our hospitals on the leading edge, ensuring that all Islanders emerge stronger. We can transform care—but only with your help.