Business No: 884133042RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
VisionQuest Recovery Society is a non-profit supportive recovery society specializing in helping people heal from substance use disorder.

Our Mission
VisionQuest Recovery Society is committed to helping individuals heal from the disease of addiction by empowering them to make better lifestyle choices. We bring those suffering from substance use disorder into a comprehensive healing journey, involving mind, body and spirit based on 12-step philosophy. We are especially attuned to the needs of individuals with a history with the courts, and actively cooperate with the relevant authorities to further the interests of both our clients and, by extension, the wider community.
Our purpose is to offer a safe and supportive network for men and women who genuinely desire to heal from addiction and need help and counseling to readjust to the outside world and re-enter society. Our goal is to provide a cost-effective, practical and appropriate alternative to incarceration as a transition back into the community.
VisionQuest Recovery Society believes that:All people entering recovery need to be treated with dignity and respectAll people thrive in an atmosphere of acceptanceAll people will feel safe when surrounded by constructive boundaries and guidelinesAll people have the right to play substance freeNo one can reach their finest potential while in an institution
The VisionQuest Recovery Society believes that the individual, with a growing healthy support network, restored family ties, an educational/therapeutic healing program, can resolve addictive behavioral patterns that render one powerless and seemingly without choice regarding self-destructive behaviors.
VisionQuest Recovery Society believes that "Recovery is a life worth living".