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K9 Breeding & Training Micro Business

Registered Name: Well of Life Canada

Business No: 709449326RR0001

K9 Breeding & Training Micro Business

The team in the Philippines found a way to help their students recover through their K9 program. This program not only trains dogs to become search and rescue dogs, and bomb/explosive detection scouts; it helps provide former student addicts a sustainable skill that will help them to fully reintegrate into their families and communities through gainful employment.

Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) (or in this story, Canine-Assisted Therapy) is a medicinal tool that has been used for centuries. AAT can be significantly beneficial for a recovering addict. When used in conjunction with the other components of the program (Bible Study, personal mentoring, work ethics training, physical exercise, and class/individual study), AAT helps provide full recovery for students.

 While working with the K9s, recovering addicts experience benefits, including:

  • Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Releases feelings of calm and happiness
  • Development of companionship and how to connect with others
  • Encourages physical activity and dedication to meaningful chores
  • Builds trust
  • Gives a greater level of responsibility by caring for living creatures
  • Provides a way for students to open up and address hidden feelings/trauma

This micro-business will not only help provide therapy and new work skills (and possible new businesses) for the students at TC Philippines when they graduate from the program, it also provides the sustainability needed to help operate the center. Executive Director of the center, Jeffrey Smith, says, “Our hope with this project is to earn enough income to sponsor women and their children, 9 years and below, to go through our one-year rehab program.”