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2023 Winter Appeal


Business No: 119257525RR0001

2023 Winter Appeal

Dear Friend,

I hope this festive season provides an opportunity for you and your loved ones to rest and rejuvenate. I send warm wishes to you and yours over the holidays and into the New Year. 

2023 has been a challenging year for many West Neighbourhood House program participants and neighbours. A higher cost of living, unaffordable and unavailable housing, and social exclusion continue to distress people in this community. I ask you to join me and donate to the work of West Neighbourhood House. We need your help to respond to immediate needs in the community while building long-term resilience and addressing systemic inequities. 

I would like to tell you about a timely innovation that we are leading in light of the financial pressures that many people face right now. Over the past 18 months, we deepened our financial empowerment work, now providing short-term and long-term individualized financial coaching to low-income young adults with three workforce training program partners. 

Creative, forward-looking interventions, like this financial coaching model, occur throughout the House and we need your support to realize more of them.

Housing unaffordability is one the other pressing issues for the West Neighbourhood House community. 

Every day, our staff assist: 

Your support enables us to respond to immediate housing pressures and continue our work on improved housing policy, building safer and more inclusive communities, and increasing the availability of affordable housing.

The ultimate goal of West Neighbourhood House is to change the conditions that drive social inequities. We work diligently to get at the root causes of these harmful conditions with our public policy and advocacy work.

Thank you for your valuable support. Your generosity will continue to enable our work with the community. Together, we can continue to build a resilient and inclusive community. You can give online at


Prasad Rao 

Volunteer President, West Neighbourhood House Board of Directors 

P.S. Please consider becoming a monthly donor – it is easy, convenient and provides the House with a vital source of regular support to continue serving our community. You can give online at