Sparky's Toy Drive
Registered Name: Windsor Fire Fighters' Benefit Fund
Business No: 812902740RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.

The Windsor Firefighter’s Benefit Fund is the sponsor of the Sparky’sToy Drive program. This program has a long time tradition of helping to provide local needy families with new toys for their 13 and under aged children at Christmas. All families requesting assistance are required to register in mid-November with appropriate documentation to show financial need. We count on the generosity of the businesses and citizens of Essex County to keep this program operating. New toys are donated at the City of Windsor fire halls and at various commercial locations that have generously agreed to place donation boxes at their places of business. We assure you, all monetary donations are one hundred percent utilized for toy drive purchases.
The mission of our program is to make a real difference for struggling families in our community. We have made a concerted effort to help the “working poor”. These are families that are struggling to pay their living expenses and don’t often have much left over for the little extras so many of us take for granted. We also provide toys to a very large group of new immigrants and refugees, many of whom are experiencing their first Christmas in Canada. Sparky’s Toy Drive is run entirely by volunteers and continues to operate by the generosity of the people of Windsor and Essex County.
The fire department team is currently headed by Josh Easby, Cody Long, Bob Bailey, and Jordan Tellier. Many other Windsor firefighters (both current and retired) work multiple hours picking up toys and assisting businesses with charity events that help Sparky meet his quota. On the registering, packing/sorting and distribution side, our team is led by the Lalonde and McAgy family, and a team of many volunteers.
Together, we are extremely proud to be the personnel that currently make up Sparky’s Toy Drive. We are motivated by the gratitude of the families in need as well as our motto of “giving back to our community”.