Women's Support Network of York Region
Business No: 135562262RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
Our Mission
The Women’s Support Network of York Region is a rape crisis centre dedicated to providing free, confidential services for women who have experienced sexual violence in the present or the past.
What we do
- 24-hour crisis counselling on our crisis line
- Counselling
- Support group and workshops
- Outreach and public education
- Systems support and advocacy
- Community-based training
- Women’s Support Network is committed to a grassroots, feminist, anti-racist, anti-oppression framework.
Our goal: eradicate sexual violence.
“I have had the privilege of being a part of Safe Passages this year 2020 and I am sooo grateful for such an amazing, intense, life changing experience.This unique one of a kind program has transformed me for life. I am a human trafficking survivor. Through this program I have come face to face with many things in my life and heal from the drama that I went through. I’ve learned and am learning more and more about myself and truly feel ---- that I was meant to be here. Women's Support Network has changed my life forever. The way I feel right now is that I have been given a 2nd chance, that I have hope and that I’m worthy” ~ Safe Passages Participant