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Ukraine Crisis Response


Business No: 119304855RR0001

Ukraine Crisis Response
Donate to the children and families affected by the Ukraine Crisis

World Vision is on the ground in Eastern Europe preparing meeting the needs of the vulnerable children and families who have been forcibly displaced due to the escalating crisis in Ukraine. Vulnerable women and children will bear the brunt of this crisis. Your donation can help meet the needs of children and families, who have moved with nothing, searching for safety, with protection, psychosocial support and more in the neighbouring countries and regions.

Your support will also bring comfort to affected families, reminding them that Canadians care about them.

Please give today.

Children and their families are bearing the brunt of the escalating crisis in Ukraine

People across the country have fled their homes, with tens of thousands having fled to neighboring countries as the conflict increases. The U.N. estimates the wave of refugees could reach 5 million.  

"We are deeply concerned about the escalating conflict across Ukraine and how it will affect children’s wellbeing. World Vision stands with the girls and boys and families impacted by the crisis through this tough and changing time,” said Michael Messenger, President and CEO of World Vision Canada. “At this time, more than 7.5 million children living in Ukraine are at grave risk and we are working with our partners to prepare a humanitarian response. Meanwhile, we hope and pray for a swift resolution."  

Photo by DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP via Getty Images