YMCA Strong Kids Campaign
Business No: 119091882RR0001
This organization is designated by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a registered charity. They comply with the CRA's requirements and has been issued a charitable registration number.
The YMCA Strong Kids Campaign focuses on raising much needed resources to improve and enrich the lives of thousands of children, adults, seniors and families.
For the last 170 years, when communities across Central East Ontario have faced challenging times, the Y has been here to help. Our communities depend on the Y to keep us connected, healthy and thriving. Help us build the future through Strong Kids. Please support your YMCA at the time when the community needs us most. Each dollar you donate goes to your community through providing accessible resources for individuals and families to live well, with the support of their local Y.
At the YMCA Central East Ontario, providing people opportunities to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle goes beyond fitness. At the Y, we support people and families to live their best lives. Please help us continue our mission for many more years to come. Help us continue to build the future when we are all rebuilding.
By making a donation today to the YMCA Strong Kids Campaign, you are:
- Helping a child learn to swim
- Helping a teen to learn to lead and feel success
- Enabling a family to use a trusted, quality child care
- Helping an adult feel a sense of belonging
- Providing low-income individuals access to health and wellness programs