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Abu Ubaydah Masjid

Registered Name: Zancana Community Center

Business No: 833373558RR0001

Abu Ubaydah Masjid

Assalam Aleykum wa rahmatullah wabarakatu,

May the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you and your family.

On behalf of Abu Ubaydah Masjid, we are asking you to commit yourself to paying monthly donation. This donation will help our Masjid stay open during this tough time. 

The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Whoever Builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will Reward them with a Palace in Paradise” - (Al-Bukhari)

Big or small every donation counts towards your hereafter. It is not building a Masjid but keeping it open for others to offer daily prayers. We ask you to join us on this journey committing to pay any of the following monthly payments: $35, $20, $10 for December 2020 to December 2021 or a one-time payment. Inshaa'Allah you will be rewarded for every prayer offered at Abu Ubaydah.

Abu Ubaydah runs under a non for-profit organization known as Zancana Community center located in Toronto, ON. Today we are asking for your help in keeping the masjid open for people to continue to attend prayer. 

Due to COVID restrictions, many of our weekly, and monthly programs have been cancelled. We are unable to continue any of these programs online because of the time or the amount of people. Currently, because of the cancellations, our Masjid is no longer receiving an income. 

Programs like Quran Classes, Community Fundraisers, Girls only Programs and other religious/community functions were all means of an income for the Masjid to cover the monthly expenses like rent, hydro and electricity. 

May Allah reward your efforts.

Please donate generously!


Muhamed Hamdan: 416 732 7505

Bishara Al_Masroori:  647 866 4312