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Polaris School & Centre

Dénomination enregistrée : 10787671 Canada Association

Numéro d'entreprise : 754110088RR0001

Polaris School & Centre

À propos

Polaris School and Centre offers a holistic education which meets the needs of the whole child – head, heart and hands. Polaris is a place that will support curiosity and bring about critical thinking skills, resilience and confidence, allowing each student to realize their full potential as unique individuals, cultivating a lifelong love of learning. Here they will be provided with the tools needed to meet a quickly changing world – where wonder and discovery are valued over rushing and testing.

Polaris is a growing vibrant and diverse community where everyone is welcome. Its unique financial model ensures that all those seeking this holistic and alternative approach to education have the opportunity to do so – a place where no one is turned away due to their financial circumstances.

However, this is only possible with the generous support from our community members, like yourself. Your donation directly supports our Financial Adjustment Program, ensuring that our doors are open to families from all walks of life. Your donation will make a difference to a child who otherwise would not be able to attend. The impact of your donation is invaluable to the child and their family, the whole class and our community.

Your generous donation helps ensure that all families wishing to attend Polaris are able to provide their children with an opportunity to receive an education that prepares them for life, an education for the future.

Thank you in advance for your contribution. It means so much to have your support.




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